Year-End Report

A Year of Classical Education Leadership & Growth

Our Mission is rooted in the
that guide all of our decision making

We believe in the objective nature of moral philosophy in the Judeo-Christian and Aristotelian tradition and that we must model and encourage the development of character and virtue in our students. The goal is for students to develop practical wisdom (or prudence) to temper their intellectual growth.

We believe there is inherent order in the universe and the natural laws that govern it. We believe this order creates a sense of transcendent beauty and we encourage all students to recognize and value this order.

We have received as our inheritance the literary and historical treasures of the Western canon which includes the best examples of the transcendental qualities that promote human flourishing. Accordingly, in our classes we choose to focus on the very best books and ideas from this tradition. We encourage students to admire this intellectual inheritance and appreciate its literary works, heroic figures, and its ideas of human dignity.

We believe in the Judeo-Christian philosophical concepts of the Imago Dei and natural law that preserves the dignity and uniqueness of every individual as a reflection of the divine imbued with inalienable rights.

Student Growth

Thales Academy started as a single K–2 school in 2007 with 38 students, and now we serve over 6000 students in grades Pre-K–12.

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 Year end 2021 Year end 2022 Year end 2023 Year end 2024

Our first graduating class in 2016 was only 3 students (all who attended UNC Chapel Hill!), and now we have graduated nearly 500 total seniors, and continue to grow every year.

Campus Expansion

We have grown from 1 single school in 2007 to 13 campuses across 3 states.


Class of 2024

Thales Academy's graduating classes continue to achieve admirable scholarship offers, college acceptances, and careers.

In 2024:

0 Graduates
0 Average SAT
0% Acceptance to College, Military, or Technical School

The Thales WayBeauty & Order

Thales Academy promotes the classical importance of order and beauty, providing students with an aesthetically appealing environment in which to learn and grow.

  • Floor-to-ceiling windows for maximum natural light
  • Tasteful, elegant furnishings inside
  • Clean, beautiful landscaping and grounds outside

The Thales WayCharacter

Character education is a critical element in the Thales Academy formation model and consistently integrated into our classroom lessons, school culture, and facilities. We strive to form individuals with high moral standards, encouraging students to confidently serve as leaders of integrity throughout all aspects of life and eventual career.

The Thales WayTop 15 Outcomes

At Thales Academy, we believe equally important to academics are an ethical character, real-world skills, and traits required to perform at a level of excellence. We emphasize the Top 15 Outcomes of a Thales Academy Student in all we do and nurture our graduates to achieve all 15 Outcomes.

College Acceptances

  • Auburn University
  • Clemson University
  • Elon UniversitY
  • Furman University
  • GEorge Washington University
  • Liberty University
  • NORTH CAROLINA State University
  • University of GEORGIA
  • University of MISSISSIPPI
  • University of NOrth Carolina At Chapel Hill
  • University of NOrth Carolina Wilmington
  • University of South Carolina
  • University of Tennessee
  • Virginia Tech

The Thales WayDirect Instruction

Thales Academy’s research-based Direct Instruction method is effective, efficient, and engaging, and provides a superior foundation of knowledge in grades K–5. In 2024, our elementary program added a focus on understanding the natural world/order and introduced concepts such as inertia, momentum, and the dew point.

The Thales WayClassical Curriculum

Our classical curriculum in our junior high and high school programs is well-rounded and rigorous and teaches higher level thinking with regular use of the Socratic method.

This year, we enhanced our Luddy Industrial Arts (LIA) program, Luddy Institute of Technology (LIT) program, and extracurricular debate program and we established a formal debate network for our campuses (Thales Debate Network). We also incorporated many high-quality classical curriculum materials into our 6–12 courses, courtesy of Thales Press, our in-house publishing firm.

Recent Testimonials

The Thales WayLuddy Industrial Arts (LIA) Program

The Luddy Industrial Arts (LIA) program at Thales Academy is a hands-on, project-based series of classes that teaches students how to solve real-world problems using practical skills.

The course is a required for all Thales Academy students in 6th through 9th grade. In the 2024–2025 academic year, over 1300 students took part in the LIA program and learned the fundamentals of engineering, woodworking, tool usage/safety, and electronics. The courses are taught in purpose-built classrooms equipped with the latest tools and technology. Upcoming additions to the program include auto repair, organic gardening & irrigation, pollinators, plumbing and basic home repairs.

The Thales WayLuddy Institute of Technology (LIT) Program

A 4-year high school pre-engineering and STEM elective, the Luddy Institute of Technology (LIT) program at Thales Academy is a natural extension of LIA.

LIT focuses on fundamentals of engineering, mechanics, woodworking, auto repair, python programming, 3-D printing, SolidWorks, electronics, Arduino, and robotics. Seniors in LIT consolidate their skills by building an invention of their design as a capstone project, which uniquely prepares students for engineering-related careers. In the 2024–2025 academic year, 230 students elected to take LIT in 3 Thales Academy high schools. One-hundred percent (100%) of the graduates of Thales Academy’s LIT program are accepted into the university and trade school placements of their choice.

The Thales WayFine Arts

An integral part of the classical education offered at Thales Academy, the fine arts provide students opportunities to experience beauty, truth, and goodness actively and grow in their understanding of history, culture, and more in enriching ways.

The Thales WayExtracurriculars

Thales Academy offers a variety of extracurricular activities to provide out-of-the-classroom opportunities for students to exercise leadership skills, expand their horizons and skills, and have fun with their peers. Extracurricular options vary by campus but include a variety of clubs, as well as athletics and a high-quality debate program at many of our junior high and high school campuses.

student with debate trophy

Thales Debate Network (TDN)

In 2024, TDN hosted its first ASDA national qualifier tournament, with six students advancing to Nationals, and one student achieved our first win in the Declamation contest at the Coolidge Cup Nationals.


In 2024, three more of our Thales Academy campuses (Cary, Flowers Plantation, and Holly Springs) added athletics programs, joining our Apex and Rolesville campuses in offering JH/HS sports.

kids watching NASA astronaut on TV

An Out-of-this-World Year

NASA's In-Flight Education Downlink program selected our Raleigh campus for a special a live Q&A session with astronaut, Jasmin Moghbeli, from her post on the International Space Station.

Thales Press, the in-house publishing firm for Thales Academy, specializes in classical education resources.

In 2024, Thales Press sold nearly 1,000 books, hosted two conferences, and published numerous titles—including a history series, primary sourcebooks, textbooks for civics, entrepreneurship, and literature classes, as well as children’s biographies and a coloring book of Western art. For 2025, Thales Press plans to release Dr. Anthony Esolen's Classical Catechism, additional books in the Thales Canon series, new educational resources, and a debate coach handbook. A new website and blog are coming soon, and increased visibility and sales (5,000 books sales goal!) are objectives for 2025.

Thales College (Thales Academy's sister institution in higher education, located in Wake Forest, NC), also grew in 2024.

The inaugural undergraduate class entered their final year (set to graduate in Spring 2025!), while the third undergraduate class added more out-of-state students and matriculated all students into the new Entrepreneurial Business and Liberal Arts dual major program. The college expanded its faculty, continued its popular high school dual enrollment and Summer Institute programs, and added a high-demand continuing education certificate in Classical Education Philosophy, a new lecture series on virtue, and a magazine of ideas, Theory & Ground. Committed to affordability, Thales College enables students to graduate in three years with valuable skills and minimal debt.

Highest Air Quality & Learning Environments

Our founder, Bob Luddy, has learned many lessons from his nearly 50 years of running his company, CaptiveAire (CAS). Sound business management, strong technology and finance experience, and operations efficiency all make Thales Academy a leader in education, and CAS's expertise in ventilation products help create the ideal learning environment.

paragon rooftop hvac

Constant Fresh Air

CAS Paragon HVAC units provide continuous fresh, filtered outdoor air in (increasing occupant alertness, cognition, and comfort) and purge stale air out, removing contaminants (carbon dioxide, viruses, dust).

Comfortable Spaces

Aiding student comfort and focus, CAS HVAC Supply Duct (throughout) and CAS High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) Fans (for the large gymnatoriums) distribute air quietly and evenly at our new campuses.

kids watching NASA astronaut on TV

Quiet Environment

CAS sound baffles + other sound-absorbing materials reduce loud noises and reverberation, helping students stay focused and ready to learn.